Great Lake rainbow trout in excellent condition

Despite the low lake level at Great Lake rainbow trout arrived at the Liawenee fish trap in good numbers this year.

The fish were stripped of eggs and milt for grow out of the fertilised eggs at the IFS hatchery at New Norfolk. While this has been the practise for some time, this is the first year in recent times that eggs from wild rainbow trout have been treated at Liawenee to produce triploid fish.

Once fertilised, the eggs are treated in a pressure vessel to produce offspring that are sterile (triploid) in the sense that they do not produce gonads (sex organs). The consequence of this process is that the fish do not stop feeding in winter and do not put any energy into reproduction. The end result that the fish have the potential to grow larger in a shorter amount of time.

Great Lake - one of our best - for shore

Greg French looks at shore-based fishing at Great Lake

At the beginning of November Great lake was already within .8m of the all-time high level mark of 1035.48 (i.e. 3.89m below full supply) attained in October 1997 - and it was still rising. There is a distinct possibility that this coming summer the lake will edge out over new ground. Such an event dramatically affects trout behaviour.

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