Mudeyes - Naturally better baits

by Kevin Mulligan

Bait fishing with live bait is one of the best ways to catch fish - after all, it's natural. Recently Kevin Mulligan applied to the Inland Fisheries Commission for a licence to sell live mudeyes. After Kevin satisfied stringent criteria by the Inland Fisheries Commission he received a licence. One of the most important criteria was that the Mudeyes he uses and the areas he catches them in pose no threat to our trout fishery.

Hart's Hints - Improving your catch rate

by Andrew Hart

How often do we go fishing and catch nothing? I think that the answer may be too often for some of us.

Listed below are a few techniques and innovations that can improve your catch rate.

Hooked on lures

Greg Hynes produces Lofty Lures at Mole Creek in Tasmanian. Mole Creek is a quiet country town where most everyone goes fishing. Lofty's make several different size cobra style lures as well as a range of spinners. Michael Stevens recently interviewed Greg "˜Lofty"Hynes.

Hart's Hints - Little things can make a difference

by Andrew Hart

Fish can often be very frustrating. Many people find themselves going fishing for an afternoon of relaxation, and end up getting all uptight because of some little, annoying thing that could have been avoided.

There are many simple, innovative ideas that can make the wonderful world of fishing a whole lot easier. Some of these ideas are available at your local tackle shop, others can be put into practice around the house.

In this, the first article of a series, listed are some useful tips, techniques and accessories that make a huge difference.

Lures and flies for August and September

by Michael Stevens

Recently I surveyed a number of well known, and some not so well known anglers to establish a guide to lures and flies for the start of the trout fishing season. Firstly lures, and then flies that the following anglers would like to have in their box for the opening two months. Each angler was asked "If you could only have three lures/three flies in your box for the start of the season, what would they be? "

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