Tyenna River Monster

Matty Dayton landed a massive fish (27lb 5oz uncleaned) just after lunch on opening weekend 7 August on 4lb Berkley Stealth braid and a 6lb Maxima leader. A MIRACLE from the Tyenna River.
The National Park Weir strikes again!

My mate just called in and he netted the behemoth and said it was nudging 28 lb on his lip gripper/scales. He showed me photos of it off his phone. It’s a huge female fat and full of spawn. It was pretty lucky that they were there with the net to land it and it broke the webbing of the net the fish was so big and heavy....it’s definitely the biggest fish he has seen in his life and of course netted (let alone for someone else)... definitely an achievement in itself and he is rapt as he hasn’t a real lot of experience but does know how to net fish....the moment would of been huge...stranger with the net on such a monster.
By all accounts it was an epic battle that went the distance and a lot of manoeuvring on, off and under the bridge was done. Apparently free spooling in desperation on more than one occasion too!
Matty was a bit excited to tell me every detail in a calm manner.
Basically a minor MIRACLE as the fish went up/down/wedged in the willows/wedged in the tree roots when being netted, etc, etc. Heart attack stuff that deserves a better description and write up.



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