
Salmon Ponds The brown trout fry (from yingina/Great Lake) and rainbow trout fingerlings (domestic stock from Huon Aquaculture Group Ltd) grew well and were stocked out by the end of December 2018.

The rainbow trout fingerlings, averaging 10 grams, were sold and stocked in to private farm dams for private fishing. We stocked the brown trout fry into private North West farm dams open to public fishing, angling club dams and other public fisheries. (See the fry-stocking list below)

report salmon ponds

Rainbow trout spawning

In January, we inspected the zig-zag and long channels of Liawenee Canal, yingina/Great Lake. These are supported spawning habitat reserved for rainbow trout. We support their spawning to boost the population within yingina/Great Lake. The inspection showed good numbers of fry had successfully hatched.

We collected a small number of these wild rainbow trout fry and stocked them into Little Blue Lagoon in the Western Lakes. We carried the fry in oxygenated bags and they released well.

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