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Presented from Issue 107, December 2013

If you’ve managed to get out trout fishing a bit like I have this season then you will probably have been cursing the lousy weather so far and the mediocre fishing that’s gone with it. I’ve sampled most of my favourite waters and can confidently say that the winner is certainly Woods Lake. The following is a brief roundup of some of our favourite locations and a detailed look at Woods Lake itself.

trailer-cWoods Lake​ Trailer Debacle

Fellow Anglers Scott ​and I would personally like to thank the persons who helped us with our broken spring on our boat trailer...(trailer is 5 years old) Norm for his knowledge on how to get us home and his rope knots...thats obviously why not too many fish escape him. Bert for his knowledge and the whole roll of duck tape.....the repairer is going to love you :) Gerry for his wire, Neil for his nice piece of fence post.

Woods Lake

I spent 3 days at Woods Lake with my son Jarod. We landed there on Thursday night at 11 pm, up at 5 and on the water in very foggy conditions. We found fish rising all over the lake in the fog; I had my bag by 7am and put a few smaller ones back, Jarod not being so lucky.
Much the same thing Saturday getting 4 and Jarod 2. We didn’t fish Sunday, preferring to go touring on the lake instead. We had a great time, biggest fish was 1kg “gilled and gutted”; all fish were in fabulous nick.
Regards - Mark Tapsell

Woods Lake 16/1/2013

I just arrived home after a couple of enjoyable days at the Pumphouse bay camp ground at Arthurs Lake. We didn’t do a lot of fishing, but as Monday's weather was calm, Virginia and I decided to take the fly rod over the hill to Woods Lake for a couple of hours.
I am glad we did.

Woods Lake 28/10/2012

With a good friend from Queensland, I spent a very nice day at Woods Lake last Wednesday. We boated 8, keep 3 and had a very nice smoked trout along side the Hut side. Most of the browns were in the 1.5 / 2lb mark, not big ,but lovely condition. Lunch, with a nice cold beer was nice too.
All were on Dales red nut and red rascal, good lures. Thanks Dale.
The road in is quite good, and with a relatively nice day, a good time was had.

Woods Lake 22/9/2012

Trev and I had a couple of hours at Woods Lake today. Fishing was very hard with the normal old lures not performing to expectations. That being said, we got on to a few using the Devils Tongue. The weather was perfect... Overcast and not much wind.

Woods Lake 2/2/2012

I've just received a report from President Mark Tapsell as he was making his way down the mountain from Woods Lake.
Mark told me there was  3092915693451264 duns on the water there today but the fish were only "onceing" and this made for hard fishing.
Never the less he finished up with four and his mate caught two, their condition was excellent with good coloured flesh so they should lend themselves to good eating.
Wind was calm one minute and blowing the next, ...but a great day had all the same.
 Thanks for the call Mark, cheers, President Todd

Blizzards Landing and Woods Lake

Marine and Safety Tasmania have just finished an upgrade at Blizzards Landing and a $30K project at Woods Lake to protect boaters using the ramp in southerly weather. The Woods Lake ramp was closed 14-19 November and is now reopen.
This is your recreational boating money at work.

Click Read More for larger pictures.

Woods Lake Ramp Closure

The Woods Lake Road will be closed 14 - 18 November between 7.30am and 4.30pm each day.
The Woods Lake boat ramp will also be closed completely inclusive of those dates.
A rock groyne is being built 30 metres long with a 10 metres dogleg at the end to protect the ramp from the south and westerly winds that make launching and retrieval so difficult.
Please be tolerant during this time. This project is funded by Marine and Safety Tasmania.

Woods Lake Report from Dec 29 2010

Trev and i had the morning on Woods lake today, very nice and calm but cold early.
We got four almost as soon as we arrived and lost a few. The fish caught were on blue oyster , salt n pepper &  jollytail... we were getting plenty of hits but they were lazy hits , the weather soon changed.....  "very strong winds" so that was enough for us.
Dale & Trev

Click Read More for more pictures

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