by Sarah Graham
Many anglers are preparing for the opening of the new angling season on Saturday 7 August and it's shaping up to be another good one with the fishery in excellent health as a result of last year’s drought breaking rains. There are many great fishing locations around the State from which to choose for the opening weekend and early season fishing but here are a few suggestions.
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MAST is looking for feedback on this proposal before construction starts in April.
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Denis Edwards - Executive Officer
I went to Penstock Friday night with Shippy we got six nice fish a browny would have been close to 6lb we didnt weigh it but took a pic and put it back brought home 3 fish . Went to Arthurs Saturday we caught 17 fish should have had about 40 with all the fish we missed on the water at 8.30 off by 2.30 had a great day
Regards, Derek - Click Read More for pictures
We were off to fish Penstock on Sunday headed up the mountain about 8 o'clock. We got to Cramps bay turn off Road Closed because of bush fires couldn't get through, so we took the long way.
Back down the mountain through Liffy to the A5 high way past Great Lake an extra one an half hours . Finally got to the shack at Flintstone to pick up my boat then back to Penstock about 11.30 . On the water fishing the dam end had a few cast Duns starting to show, we were pulling wets.
Please read the attached letter from John Diggle, Director of Inland Fisheries
We headed up to Penstock for the weekend and was joined by Ross Frankcombe and arrived there on Friday around 10.15am. After a quick unpack, we were on the water fishing at noon. A light north easterly wind posed little problems and Ross hooked (and lost) a nice fish, five minutes into our first drift. We managed two for this session before the wind dropped out, along with any further interest from the fish.
Derek and I went to Penstock today for a three hour practice session. We managed to land eight fish keeping five and releasing the others. The fish were all in top nick, dropped a few as well, conditions weren’t that ideal, but still paid off with some fly changes and hard work.
Cheers Craig
Click Read More for more pictures
Some photos of our two and a half hour trip at Penstock today.
Cheers Craig
Went up to the Central Highlands as our normal opening weekend trip. We fished Woods Lake Saturday caught eight between us, (all on fly) as that’s the only way we fish for trout...was hard going. Weather was too good, plenty of flat water with bits of sun, also had others on that we dropped.
Sunday morning fished Penstock for two and a half hours for seven fish between us. There was a bit of wind around and patchy skys, headed back to shack for a feed, clean up and the drive home. We timed it nicely as it started to rain within half an hour of being back at the shack with snow falling as we left for home.
Cheers, Craig
Had an RDO on Friday so thought I would take the opportunity to get one last fish in at the lakes before the season closes for the year. After heading the the shack at Arthur's Thursday night I had decided to fish penstock at first light in hope of some late season action in the shallows.
Please follow the link below to read this report:
Penstock Lagoon Boating Questionnaire Survey Results and Report
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When you have finished for the day, why not have a brag about the ones that didn't get away! Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Have fun fishing -
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Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My name is Stephen Smith and I have been managing the website since May 2009.
It has been an epic journey of learning and discovery and I am indebted to Mike Stevens for his help, support and patience.
I am developing a new venture Rubicon Web and Technology Training ( ). The focus is two part, to develop websites for individuals and small business and to train people to effectively use technology in their everyday lives.
Please contact me via for further information - Stephen Smith.
Recently Atlantic salmon seems to be a very hot topic amongst local anglers, especially those in the south of the state in the D'Entrecasteaux area. Northern anglers should take a close look at the Tamar as there are opportunities here as well.
The recent "great escape" has provided a perfect opportunity for fresh and saltwater anglers alike to experience some truly memorable sport. Tasmania's pristine, clean and cool waters are the perfect nursery for the Atlantic Salmon and as our local fish farms produce more and more fresh quality seafood it is a fact that there are going to be tangible consequences.