Recently Atlantic salmon seems to be a very hot topic amongst local anglers, especially those in the south of the state in the D'Entrecasteaux area. Northern anglers should take a close look at the Tamar as there are opportunities here as well.
The recent "great escape" has provided a perfect opportunity for fresh and saltwater anglers alike to experience some truly memorable sport. Tasmania's pristine, clean and cool waters are the perfect nursery for the Atlantic Salmon and as our local fish farms produce more and more fresh quality seafood it is a fact that there are going to be tangible consequences.
Many thanks once again to all those that competed in our event, especially those that travelled from the big island to compete.
Also a special thanks to those that offered their boats for use during the competition, it was very much appreciated.
The final results are attached.
Fish Stats :
Total Fish Caught : 195
Woods Lake : 95 Biggest fish – Garth Jackson 57.6cm, Di Richards 57.3cm, Tom Jarman 56.9cm
Arthurs Lake : 100 Biggest fish – Tom Jarman 55.5cm, Karen Brooks 52.0cm, Casey Pfeiffer 52.0cm
Woods Lake Average Fish Length : 35.8cm
Arthurs Lake Average Fish Length : 37.9cm
Click here for a PDF of the full results
(from left Greg Croak Pirtek Newcastle; Chris Rossetti winner; Michael Guest Challenge Director; and Mark Devitt Executive General Manager Marketing Pirtek)
The tenth annual PIRTEK Fishing Challenge, which attracted almost 9000 participants, has been recognised as the world’s biggest competition for anglers.
With entrants from every Australian state and territory, the event also raised funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and the Peter Duncan Neurosciences Research Unit.
Australia’s unique landscape was subject to an equally varied range of weather conditions for this year’s Challenge, which produced an endless list of ‘tales’ and interesting images loaded to the event’s official website.
There were some mighty fish caught including a 112cm barramundi in Queensland; Murray Cod over the magic metre mark and some big “Top End” trevally. The southern States produced great results with flathead over 90cm, cracking snapper and a 77cm brown trout from Tasmania.There were 157 individual prize winners across Australia all sharing in the $210,000 prize pool - see below for links to winners.PIRTEK provides $90,000 cash which is divided between 25 mystery length target fish, providing all entrants with the opportunity to win big without necessarily catching the biggest fish.One of the highlights of the challenge is the On The Water prize draw and this year’s major winner was Chris Rossetti from Charlestown, NSW who won the $29,000 boat/motor/trailer package thanks to Stacer and Evinrude.
Read more: PIRTEK Retains title as world’s biggest fishing competition in 2018
Australia will to host the 39th FIPS- Mouche World Fly Fishing championships in Tasmania in late November 2019.
More information is available on the recently released web site This web site will be updated from time to time as we progress to the event.
An information brochure, has been produced, which outlines the event and calls for volunteers hosts and others. The brochure can be found here.
National President
Fly Fish Australia Inc.
GPO Box 2255
6 February 2018
Read more: Fly Fish Australia - General Circular #2-2018 - Team Announcements
Greetings to you. As the festive season of Christmas approaches, all of us who are fly fishers think about new rods reels and lines under the Christmas tree.
I would like to think I could help out with your wishes but I can’t .
What I can do is introduce you to the new website for the 39th FIPS-Mouche World Fly Fishing Championship 2019 to be held in Tasmania, Australia - Download the flyer here
As team manager I am delighted to announce that the Australian team has officially finished in 5th position at the 2017 Solvakian World Fly Fishing Championships.
Regards Garth
Click on the results for a full size image of individual results
and here for team results
Please follow this link to Christopher Bassano's reports from the 2017 World Fly Fishing Championships Slovakia
Please follow this link to Christopher Bassano's reports from the 2017 World Fly Fishing Championships Slovakia
Earlier Reports |
Report Number One |
Report Number Two |
Report Number Three |
I was met at the airport in Ljubljana by my good friend, Yann Caleri and his girlfriend, Sarah. Yann had been working with the French Youth team at the world championships a few days earlier and they had won the gold medal. He was clearly chuffed and so he should be. Yann was a terrific competition fly fisherman when he competed, having fished in seven world championships with six top ten finishes. I don't think anyone could boast such a consistent record. Unfortunately, he never did win an individual medal of any sort but multiple team medals do sit on his desk at home. As he always says to me, "I am the king of the chocolate medal", meaning he couldn't ever finish in the top three. I wish he had because not only is he a class angler, but he is also a wonderful guy.
Read more: 2017 World Fly Fishing Championships Slovakia 2017, Report 2 - Preparation
Grammar Girls team in action at Cressy Trout Expo today (Monday). Pictured are 3 teams from Launceston Grammar Junior currently competing at Tasmanian Schools Trout Fishing Competition, including 1 all girl team.There are over 400 students out here.
The Grammar team sponsored by for the second year.exciting day ahead.
Click Read More for more pictures.
Click above for current issue content. The current issue of TFBN is extensive and topical. In Tackle Stores, Newsagents and by subscription.
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Or phone Mike with your c/c handy on 0418129949
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When you have finished for the day, why not have a brag about the ones that didn't get away! Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Have fun fishing -
Here is a list of all of the Article Categories. The number in Brackets, eg (13) is the number of articles. Click on Derwent River and all articles relating to the Derwent will be displayed in the central area.
Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My name is Stephen Smith and I have been managing the website since May 2009.
It has been an epic journey of learning and discovery and I am indebted to Mike Stevens for his help, support and patience.
I am developing a new venture Rubicon Web and Technology Training ( ). The focus is two part, to develop websites for individuals and small business and to train people to effectively use technology in their everyday lives.
Please contact me via for further information - Stephen Smith.
Presented from Issue 100
Considering the world class quality of our sea trout fishery, these fish are not sought after by enough anglers. Sea runners live in the salt water and run up our estuaries and rivers from the start of August to the middle of November. At this time of the year, they are here to eat the many species of fish that are either running up the rivers to spawn or are living in and around the estuary systems. Trout, both sea run and resident (Slob Trout) feed heavily on these small fish which darken in colouration as they move further into fresh water reaches.
The majority of these predatory fish are brown trout with rainbows making up a very small percentage of the catch. They can be found all around the state but it would be fair to say that the east coast is the least prolific of all the areas. They still run up such rivers as the Georges (and many others) but their numbers along with the quality of the fishing elsewhere make it difficult to recommend the area above the larger northern, southern and western rivers.
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