Scott McDonald
The first Atlantic salmon eggs used to begin Tasmania's Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry were introduced into Tasmania in 1984. From these humble beginnings a valuable Tasmanian industry has evolved with a worldwide reputation for having a premium disease free product. This industry provides a spin off to all anglers in the form of regular escapes of salmon from the farms.
Decided to take my old mate “Roundy” for a drive up to the lakes today.
I didn’t take boat as forecast was crap, just went for a bit of a look with a couple of soft plastic rods just in case we wanted to have a fish.
Went into Little Lake, it was quite high after all the rain.
We fished for about an hour for little result, I managed one and Roundy had a couple follows.
Had a look at Little Lake again this arvo, was going to go to Great Lake to have a go at the shark fishing, but forecast was for a cloudy day, so that put an end to that idea. So off we went with Bailey doing all the driving, he now has his learners license thank god, ...he can do all of the driving now, Bailey's mate Will Hankenson also tagged along.
I decided to take Bailey and his mate Jack Shennan up to the lakes for a night.
On Saturday afternoon we went to Little Lake and caught 27 brownies, the lake was very low, strong NW winds, mostly cloudy. I managed my bag limit using small wets and the boys caught the rest on soft plastics. Many fish were missed and lost as well.
We decided to have a look up at Little Lake this arvo with Bailey & the Mad Hungarian George. We landed 19 brownies between us, most were caught on the dry with a couple on small wets later on in the day when the wind picked up. Fish were feeding on damsels and dragonflys, jumping out of the water all over the place.
Decided to take Bailey and his mate Nathan Vanderspeck up to Little Lake today for a final fish before the season ends next weekend.
We arrived around noon and we fished till 3.30pm. We caught 18 beaut little browns from 3/4lb up to 1.5lb,caught on softies and hardbodies.
We headed up to Little Lake Good Friday with Mike Stevens for a short and sharp little session.
Fished with Dales "Yep" hardbodies and Berkley T- Tails.
We landed a dozen, keeping ten for Easter fare.
Egg n Bacon rolls, freshly cooked trout, coffee, and a couple of scotchs "onsite", capped off a great afternoon.
Regards - Todd
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Bailey and I headed off to Little Lake today, as Bail’s wanted to try out his new “Wildfish” 6 weight fly rod, ... so away we went. We arrived there around 11.30am and fished till 4pm, we had a ball catching 27 brownies on dry’s, beetle patterns and some on emergers.
Trev didn't want to go to school today (lol), so Mike Stevens and myself decided to take him to Little Lake to see if we could help him catch is first fish on a fly. Well, he achieved that before we even wet our lines and were standing around having a prefish coffee!
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When you have finished for the day, why not have a brag about the ones that didn't get away! Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Have fun fishing -
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Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My name is Stephen Smith and I have been managing the website since May 2009.
It has been an epic journey of learning and discovery and I am indebted to Mike Stevens for his help, support and patience.
I am developing a new venture Rubicon Web and Technology Training ( ). The focus is two part, to develop websites for individuals and small business and to train people to effectively use technology in their everyday lives.
Please contact me via for further information - Stephen Smith.
by Sarah Graham
Many anglers are preparing for the opening of the new angling season on Saturday 7 August and it's shaping up to be another good one with the fishery in excellent health as a result of last year’s drought breaking rains. There are many great fishing locations around the State from which to choose for the opening weekend and early season fishing but here are a few suggestions.