Tasmania Sports Award 2010
Just a quick email to let you know that the Longford fishing club won the inaugural Community Club award at 46th Tasmanian Sports Award and Gala dinner held at the Wrest Point Casino last night.
The evening was a black tie affair with over four hundred attending and hosted by Jo Palmer and Tim Lane.
Our club received a cheque for $1000, a glass trophy, 4 reserved seating tickets to the Hawthorn / North Melbourne game held towards the end of April (perhaps a raffle prize at the next club meeting?) and a bottle of wine.
Everyone that has ever cooked a hamburger, stood in the cold at Liawenee, participated in any of the outings, sponsored the club, or helped support the club in any way, should take pride in this , as without your efforts, the club would not be sitting where it is...at the top of the tree.
We will present the club with these awards "formally" at the next meeting and will try and obtain a DVD of the presentation from Southern Cross Television to show on the night.
As you are aware, after four years, this was Janet's and my last "official event" that we are involved in as we are now taking a break from the committee as we pursue other endeavours, we will of course remain members ( but from a distance.)
How could we not after being involved with such a great bunch.
Now firmly established , we envisage that the club will now evolve and head in other directions with new ideas and commitments put forward, we hope that it maintains its proffessional image and that a few others step up to the plate to help those currently with the task at hand.
After all is said and done, it would be an inditement on us all to see this club , now firmly established , fade away.
Once again ,well done members, take a bow and thank's for the support.
Todd & Janet