World Fly Fishing Championships update 17 June
To all our friends and well wishers.
The formal practice is now over and we leave in just a few minutes for the opening ceremony. The team is in a great state of mind for what ever he challenges is in the next three days.
Practice has gone well! With the assistance of Jeremy Lucas and guide Richard our political dissident of former year. We have a very good understanding of the different waters and their likely fish holding capacity.
For those in the know Harry has fished well in his river sessions and he will be a likely substitute and a great asset to the team particularly his knowledge of trout.
The weather for the next few days is overcast but unlikely to flood again although rain is forecast with thunderstorms on Saturday.
Mentally the team is strong and I would consider our time here and the restriction on fishing due to rain and floods has meant that fly tying was completed a week ago and the need for mid-night sessions has been nil. The mental and physical challenge has been considered and the team is prepared to deal with the result.
Polish people are suspicious and guarded which makes Wotjek our host of 2 weeks exceptional. They do smile, but you have to maintain a look of friendship longer than most communities’ cursory smile. The children are wonderful and in this rural community healthy and not with the façade of history. On a riverbank a week ago I too photos of two children in their garden. 10 minutes later the boy aged 6 appeared offering a worm for my use. Lets hope time forgets and these children grow to trust their neighbors!
The bearer of the flag is Tom Watson our quiet achiever of the campaign thus far. In every team friendships are made and reputations enhanced. Tom has fished well and taken his role as reserve with great dignity. Just the other evening in discussion he generously proffered the opinion that it had been worth the trip just to see and learn to that date!The captain’s meeting is at 8 PM is local time. I shall forward our progress daily. For those who have been in a championship previously you know the importance of the draw, but come what may we have strengths and weaknesses under team discussion and guidance by our adviser we have set a pattern where possible to work to strengthen our cause. The weather has conspired against us but so it has to all other teams. I am sure each angler is ready for the event; I look forward to welcoming them home after the session and hearing their story.