2017 04 17 Great colours in this Mersey River rainbowShot off to Weegena for another afternoon session because it's the only time I have the chance to wet a line lately. This trip was to private property where I have a decent old walk to the river which is usually well worth it. It was quite warm this afternoon and by the time I reached my entry point into the river I was already knackered. I started off with the usual gold Aglia spinner and worked a couple of fast water runs that normally give up a fish or two. They didn't give up a single fish or even a follow which was a real surprise.

The river was still very low and running clear so I had a feeling the fishing my be tough here today. The following stretch of water I started fishing was a deep wide medium flowing run, it was here I used a small Daiwa hard body and had a rainbow hit it hard but it missed taking it and didn't get hooked. That was the one and only fish I saw over the next two hundred meters of river before I finally had a small (260 gram) rainbow take the gold Aglia in a long fast water run. In fact I managed to catch and release four rainbows and a small brown in that fast water stretch. 

The going was really tough here today because of the slime on the rocky river bottom, not only that the rocks kept moving under foot with every step I took making the wading pretty difficult. Over the rest of the session that covered some 500 meters all I caught was one more rainbow and this one was the best fish of the day. It wasn't big at all, just a 320 gram well conditioned fish that was full of colour. So that was my trip done and dusted, not one of my better ones here either with just the six below average size trout caught and released.


2017 04 17 Mersey River brown

Mersey River brown


2017 04 17 Great colours in this Mersey River rainbow

Great colours in this Mersey River rainbow


2017 04 17 Fast water Mersey River at Weegena

Fast water Mersey River at Weegena


2017 04 17 Nice trout holding area Mersey River

Nice trout holding area Mersey River

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