The zones that will open as scheduled on Saturday, 19 November are (see map below):

  • Storm Bay/Bruny Zone (Whale Head to Tasman Island);
  • Lower East Coast Zone (Tasman Island to Marion Bay);
  • Upper East Coast Zone (Picaninny/Wardlaws Point to Eddystone Point); and
  • North East Zone (Eddystone Point to Banks Strait).

Results of lobster samples taken from the above four zones in late October/early November have returned PST levels that will enable the recreational rock lobster fishery in those zones to open as scheduled on Saturday 19 November.
Pots may be set in the open areas from 13:00 hours (i.e. 1pm) on Friday 18 November 2016, however, pots cannot be hauled or lobster taken until Saturday 00:01 hours (i.e. Saturday morning).
The commercial rock lobster fishery in these four zones will remain shut until the scheduled commercial opening on Monday 28 November 2016.

The zones below will NOT open as scheduled, remaining shut due to biotoxins pending further testing/results.

Maria Island Zone (Marion Bay to Wineglass Bay)The Maria Island Zone remains closed. Results for rock lobster samples collected from this zone on 25 October 2016 indicate the PST levels are dropping but are still above the maximum regulatory limit of 0.8mg/kg. This area will remain closed until further sampling in late November/early December.

Central East Coast Zone (Wineglass Bay to Picaninny/Wardlaws Point)
The Central East Coast Zone remains closed as further data is pending to make a decision to open. The situation is being closely monitored with the aim of reviewing the status of this area as soon as the data becomes available, potentially later this week.

Furneaux Zone (north of the middle of Banks Strait) and that part of the Eastern Region in Bass Strait north of 40° 39’18”S
The Furneaux Zone remains closed pending the results of PST analysis of lobster samples. The earliest date that we anticipate being in a position to communicate the open/closed status of this zone is Wednesday 23 November 2016.

Region open/closed status from 19 November 2016. Open zones are depicted in green. Closed zones are depicted in red. Western region open zone is shown in white.

Public Health Alert
There is a current Public Health Alert for East Coast recreationally harvested rock lobster in relation to consumption of the gut and organs.

Transiting Closed Areas
More information here about transiting recreational rock lobster seasonal and biotoxin closed areas.

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