Monitoring of PST levels in rock lobsters and mussel sentinel samples taken from the Central East Coast zone have returned results that will enable the recreational rock lobster fishery in this zone to open as scheduled on Saturday 19 November.
Pots may be set in the open areas from 13:00 hours  (i.e. 1 pm) on Friday 18 November 2016, however pots cannot be hauled or lobster taken until Saturday 00:01 hours (i.e. Saturday morning).
As advised yesterday (Fisheries Situation Update - 14 November 2016), the Maria Island and Furneaux Zones remain closed pending further testing/results.
bio toxin 2016 15
Region open/closed status from 19 November 2016. Open zones are depicted in green.  Closed zones are depicted in red.  Western region open zone is shown in white.
Public Health Alert
There is a current Public Health Alert for East Coast recreationally harvested rock lobster in relation to consumption of the gut and organs.
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