2017 05 29 Another brown in the netWith just the two days of the 2016/17 trout season left I'm giving the small streams a go as they'll be full of well conditioned aggressive trout by now. Well that's how I see it any way. It was another afternoon session on a stream in the Gunns Plains area, another stretch of water that I have never fished before. I hit the river at 2:00pm today and the first thing I noticed was the water was a very dark tannin colour with good flow. I started off flicking the spinner into a deepish pool without having a touch or a follow from a trout.

Of course I'm always expecting a trout each and every time I fish a river right from the start. I'm always ready to set the hooks with every retrieve, that's just the way I am with my trout fishing and always have been. Moved onto the next stretch of river which was narrow and reasonably shallow, it was here I had my first take on the second cast. Like most of my trips this season it tossed the spinner with the first two head shakes. I wasn't really all that crabby with that outcome because I'm used to it happening now and I know it won't be too long before I'll have a fish in the net. The next two small runs the same thing happened, hard fast attacks on the spinner but they didn't stay hooked. I was now into a shaded long shallow stretch of water and it wasn't long before I was onto another brown, this time the fish made it into the net.

A few casts later I hooked and lost another brown so I decided it was time for change of lures. The water here was around 500-600 mms deep so I went with the F-3 Rapala in a rainbow patten and it worked a treat. Over three hundred meters of river I picked up another five beautiful well conditioned browns from six hook ups. There are quite a lot of trout in this little stream and they're all in an aggressive mood which is great. I've decided to fish another four hundred meters of river before the sun sets then I'll head back here tomorrow and start again from where I finish up today. I'll still have plenty of the stream left to fish for a few hours on Sunday. I was now into some heavy covered river and it was also shallow so it was back to the little gold Aglia Mouche Noire spinner for the rest of the session. It did the job once again and this time I only lost the one trout from seven hook ups as well as having quite a few hit and misses. So my three & a half hour afternoon session turned out to be a good one with a dozen lovely coloured wild browns caught and released. With just the one session left tomorrow I'll have three months to get right for the 2017-18 season, one I hope will be as good as this one has been up until now.

Adrian Webb

Solid brown on Aglia

2017 05 29 Solid brown on Aglia


Nice solid brown

2017 05 29 Nice solid brown


Lovely gold colour in this brown

2017 05 29 Lovely gold colour in this brown


Golden brown

2017 05 29 golden brown


Another brown in the net

2017 05 29 Another brown in the net


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