Trying to warm little Lucy upThe rain did finally ease off and I did go for a fish in a small river close to home on private property. After walking around 800 meters through the paddocks then being chased by around 20 young bulls, I finally made it to the river which was just the right height for a wade. Then from nowhere up popped a little Shihtzu dog that was wet, cold and frightened as ever. I knew it was lost and I just couldn't leave the poor little thing there so I picked it up and carried it back to the car. Had to go back via the river as not to be chased by the bulls again which were following us all the way back to where I could get back into the paddocks. I was glad there was an electric fence between us.

This little girl did have a collar on, it had it's name Lucy & a mobile phone number on it and the one day I didn't have my mobile phone with me. Once back at the car I wrapped her in a towel to warm her up a little and sat her on my lap. I then drove back to where there were a few houses close to one another, on the way came across a man with a couple of dogs walking along the road. Asked him if he new anyone that's lost a dog and bugger me, he was out looking for it. It was a friend of theirs dog. It had run off in a panic three hours earlier when some one started shooting rabbits in the paddocks. I met the owners who were visiting from Victoria and they were so happy she was found.

They were heading back on the boat tonight too, It was a dog they picked up from a Rescue Center as it had been neglected and ill treated for 18 months. Funny thing is when I parked the car I saw the bulls way over in the paddocks & nearly decided not to fish here at all. Then I decided that I would, I'm really glad I did too because the direction the little girl was heading was all thick bush. So in the end I headed home and didn't fish today, still very happy with how the morning went without wetting a line. Will head off tomorrow for a final session, weather permitting.. Of the 106 trips to rivers I have had throughout the season, today's trip was the best one of the whole trout season for me, even without wetting the line..


Trying to warm little Lucy up


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