Latest Brushy Lagoon Stocking

If you haven't checked the IFS website recently, Brushy Lagoon has been stocked in the last week with some good sized rainbow trout and atlantic salmon.  We fished the dam wall end this morning in Craig's brand new tinny.  We anchored up well clear of the dam wall in a 4 metre deep section of the lagoon.  Conditions were calm, but cold.

Both of us were using Strike Tiger 3" curl tail grub soft plastics in the 'spotted brew" and "pure gold" colours.  Action was a bit slow to start off with, but by lunch time we each had two thumping great big stockies in the boat!   We concluded our trip shortly after lunch with smiles all-round.  Craig was particularly happy after having christened his new toy.

My tip for anyone wanting to target these stocked fish - use bright coloured lures with plenty of in-built tail action.  This is especially important because the water is pretty murky out there at the moment as a result of the recent rainfall.  And don't forget, for those fishing from the shore - powerbait is a great option.

Go get em!

Cheers Mic

Strike Tiger Lures


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