Latest news items from the IFS website to 26 April 2013

Oldest at the bottom, newest at top. Click on any title for the full news stories.

Swan Bay boat ramp obstructions removed

The IFS has removed two large stumps that were a hazard to navigation at the current lake levels from the Swan Bay boat ramp, Great Lake...


Western access road to Four Springs Lake closed

Gunns has advised that vehicle access to the western shore and disabled facilities at Four Springs Lake will be remain closed until further notice...

Drawdown of Lake Meadowbank

Hydro Tasmania is currently carrying out maintenance on the Meadowbank Dam crest gates. To complete this work safely Lake Meadowbank has been drawn down to approximately 6 metres below its normal level. The exposed areas of the lake are muddy and slippery and water may rise without warning. Access to the boat ramps and lake shores is prohibited to ensure public safety...

Lake Burbury camping ground boat ramp upgrade

Members of the public are advised the works on this boat ramp will commence on Wednesday 17 April 2013 and should be completed by Friday 10 May 2013 (weather permitting).
The nature of the works will necessitate the boat ramp being closed during this period.
An alternate boat ramp is available at Thureau Hills (Old Crotty Road).
For more information contact Jim Caulfield on 62358853 or 0419120209...

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