Furneaux Biotoxin Zone to open Sunday 13 December 2015

Results of rock lobster taken from the Furneaux Biotoxin zone sampled on 7 December 2015 have returned biotoxin levels that will enable the fishery in that zone to open. The area to open is the Furneaux zone (north of the middle of Banks Strait) and that part of the eastern region in Bass Strait north of 40° 39’ 18” S. This area opens on Sunday, 13 December 2015 at 00.01 hrs to the taking of rock lobster. Pots may be set in the area from 13:00 hrs (i.e. 1 p.m.) Saturday, 12 December 2015; however, pots cannot be hauled or lobster taken until Sunday 00:01 hours (i.e. Sunday morning).

Status of remaining closed areas

The status and closures remain in place for the remaining closed rock lobster Biotoxin Zones, i.e. Lower East Coast Zone, Maria Island Zone and Upper East Zone) –
See http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/sea-fishing-aquaculture/sustainable-fisheries-management/Biotoxin-Fishery-Events for more details

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