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 Come and see hundreds of brown trout on their annual spawning migration in Tasmania’s central highlands.

Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 May 2016
10am – 3pm daily
Free entry

There is something for the whole family at Trout Weekend, its not just for anglers!

Articles re-published from

Rock Lobster Season Closing Soon

Shellfish Biotoxin Research Survey and other News

Biotoxin researchers need help from Tassie fishers who are out there on the water taking and eating rock lobster.
SARDI (South Australian Research & Development Institute) are assessing the risk of eating lobsters during a biotoxin outbreak. A 2015 survey showed that 21% of Western Region fishers eat the liver (or mustard) and only 15% in the Eastern Region. By comparison, in South Australia only 5% consume this part of the lobster.
SARDI are now doing a follow-up survey to learn more including to see if eating habits have changed due to recent biotoxin events.
Please complete the survey which only takes 5 minutes.

Dr Sarah Richards Presentation to Anglers Alliance Tasmania at the February 2016 GM

Attached to this link is a PDF of the presentation from Dr Sarah Richards

Tasmania PWS advise not to use Western Lakes tracks

On their Facebook page, Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service have issued the following parks and track closure notice for 20 January 2016.



Due to a bushfire in the Mersey Forest Road area, the Walls of Jerusalem National Park and part of the Central Plateau Conservation Area (Lake McKenzie) have been closed. The following tracks are closed until further notice:
Devills Gullett Walking Track, South Mole Creek (Yeates track), Parsons Track, Higgs Track, Western Creek Track, Little Fisher Track, Walls of Jerusalem main track, Lake Myrtle track, Moses Creek Track, Lees Paddocks Track, Explorer Creek Route and Blue Peaks Route.
Fisherman are also advised to avoid using Pillans Lake Track to access Lake Field, Julians and Pillans Lake within the Central Plateau Conservation Area.
Liffey Falls: the road into Liffey Falls and the campground are closed.

The highlighted section above is of particular interest to anglers. This area can be popular for vehicular and walking access at this time of year. Check PWS website and Facebook page for updates.

Closure of boat ramps at Great Lake 20 January 2016

Hydro Tasmania advises that only one formally recognised boat ramp remains open at Great Lake.

Prior to Christmas, Cramps Bay and Swan Bay boat ramps were closed, following advice from Marine and Safety Tasmania and the Inland Fisheries Service that they are not usable at current water levels. This month, Tods Corner, Haddens Bay and Brandum Bay boat ramps have been closed. The five ramps will remain closed until water levels increase.

Western Lakes, Fires and Campsites

Hello Mike - Looking at current spate of fires in the state it might be an appropriate time to ask your readers to refrain from camp fires in the western lakes.
All that area is designated fuel stove but there are obviously a few flouting that.
I cant recall a lake where I havent seen evidence of a recent fire. Antinomy, Silver, Sally, Fanny, Wadleys, and so on.
Some have been good enough to use old stone fire places. Others have just been on the grass.
I don’t need to tell you how fast a fire can take hold in this weather. The chances of getting out safely in that country are only fair. The plants would take years to recover.
Don’t get me started on the beer cans in every lake.  The upside is that they all appear to be quite old.


Tom Blackwell  | Internal  Sales, Bluescope Distribution Pty Ltd

Arthurs Lake TI Intake Works

If you see earth moving equipment at the Arthurs irrigation outlet here's the explanation from Hydro​ to Anglers Alliance Tas.
Angler Alliance Tasmania’s ​had ​concerns about the civil works that are currently being undertaken on the Midlands Irrigation Scheme off​-​take at Arthurs Lake, namely that the works may facilitate access to water below the agreed cease to take level.

Maria Island Biotoxin Zone to Open Thursday 14 January 2016

Source :

Results of rock lobster taken from the Maria Island Biotoxin Zone sampled on 4 January 2016 have returned biotoxin levels that will enable the fishery in that zoneto open.
This is the last of the closed biotoxin zones and hence all the east coast will be open for rock lobster fishing.
The last zone to open is the Maria Island Biotoxin Zone, south of a line at Wineglass Bay at 42° 10’ South and north of a line at Marion Bay at 42° 49’ South – please see map.

Festive Season Fishing Reminders

The Wild Fisheries Management Branch wish all fishers a safe and happy holiday period. A big thank you to those who took the time to contribute to fisheries management in Tasmania during 2015, especially the outgoing members of the Recreational Fisheries Advisory Committee (RecFAC), other FAC members and fishers who provided input into the new Scalefishery Management Plan and Rock Lobster catch limits.
Source :

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